Wednesday, May 06, 2009

More shed updates......

This is what happens when you don't have anything to post. You repeat post. Well here is the latest update on Project Storage Shed notice the installation of that fine window.

I found that commercial grade window at Jones Paint and Glass in Provo. They have a bone yard glass section that are returns or wrong sizes and that is where I found this. $100 for that window! If you know commercial glass than this will impress you (It's expensive)

The paint on the outside of the shed is a lovely grey...only temporary until the siding comes.

The garage door is a roller door (Takes up less overhead space when open)


Anonymous said...

ohhh la la! This is going to look so great! Can't wait for you guys!

sarah marie. said...

wow adam that's looking real nice!

Amy said...

Love it's ann