Monday, March 30, 2009

Self-directed IRA: an investment option where you make the calls....

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I've been telling people this for years. The old saying rings true if you want it done right do it yourself. Nobody cares about your money like you do. So take control and transfer your money to a self directed IRA today.

I posted this on another blog Mosida Orchards but I thought it was relevant for anyone who is tired of seeing their retirement dwindle each month. Self directed IRA's can be used to purchase Real Estate in any form (raw land, investment property, foreclosures, etc.) as well as stocks of your choosing.

We have provided an opportunity to set up a self directed IRA at Central Bank for the purchase of Mosida Orchards. A lot of investors have purchased all or a portion of their holding in Mosida this way. I'm certain they have looked back at the losses in the stock market and thanked the lucky stars that they are in control.

For more information on the self directed IRA opportunities and Mosida Orchards call:

Adam Harward

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