I think its a fair question. Everyone knows a Realtor and believe me I have heard the horror stories of bad experiences with Realtors.
Many of you may know that I'm a licensed Realtor and I make my living in Real Estate and Development. Finding a Realtor is not hard they're practically knocking on your front door....I'm willing to bet you may even have one in your family. So why are there so many Realtors? Well I'm going to tell you.
1. Its fairly easy to obtain a license. No college degree required.
2. People see Real Estate as the fast track to wealth.
So this begs the question why did I become a Realtor? Well to be quite honest with you my Dad has been in Real Estate for over 30 years. He started out working as an Realtor (Agent) then became a managing broker at a brokerage and after that spent most of his time developing both commercial and residential property under his own brokerage.
Because I grew up around Real Estate it seemed like a natural fit. I have loved working in Real Estate. Its challening! It is true that it's fairly easy to obtain a license but being a GOOD Realtor takes lots of time and effort. Buying or Selling Real Estate is possibly the largest finacial investment you'll make. Using your friend or neighbor who does it on the side may not be the best choice.
I'm going to give you 12 reasons why you should use a GOOD Realtor when dealing with any Real Estate transaction:
1. I can help you determine your buying power -- that is, your financial reserves plus your borrowing capacity.
2. I have many resources to assist you in your property search. Sometimes the property you are seeking is available but not actively advertised in the market, and it will take some investigation to find all available properties.
3. I can assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property. I have access to a variety of informational resources. I can provide local community information on utilities, zoning. schools, etc.
4. I can help you negotiate. There are myriad negotiating factors, including but not limited to price, financing, terms, date of possession and often the inclusion or exclusion of repairs and furnishings or equipment. The purchase agreement should provide a period of time for you to complete appropriate inspections and investigations of the property before you are bound to complete the purchase. I can advise you as to which investigations and inspections are recommended or required.
5. I provide due diligence during the evaluation of the property. Depending on the area and property, this could include inspections for termites, dry rot, asbestos, faulty structure, roof condition, septic tank and well tests, just to name a few. I can assist you in finding qualified responsible professionals to do most of these investigations and provide you with written reports. You will also want to see a preliminary report on the title of the property. Title indicates ownership of property and can be mired in confusing status of past owners or rights of access. The title to most properties will have some limitations; for example, easements (access rights) for utilities. A GOOD Agent, title company or attorney can help you resolve issues that might cause problems at a later date.
6. I can help you in understanding different financing options and in identifying qualified lenders.
7. I can guide you through the closing process and make sure everything flows together smoothly.
8.When selling your home, I can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in the marketplace and the price, financing, terms and condition of competing properties. These are key factors in getting your property sold at the best price, quickly and with minimum hassle.
9. I will market your property to other real estate agents and the public. Often, I will recommend repairs or cosmetic work that will significantly enhance the salability of your property. I market your property to other real estate agents and the public. Over 50% of real estate sales are cooperative sales; that is, a real estate agent other than yours brings in the buyer. .
10. I know when, where and how to advertise your property. There is a misconception that advertising sells real estate. The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® studies show that 82% of real estate sales are the result of agent contacts through previous clients, referrals, friends, family and personal contacts.
11. I can help you objectively evaluate every buyer's proposal. This initial agreement is only the beginning of a process of appraisals, inspections and financing -- a lot of possible pitfalls. I can help you write a legally binding, win-win agreement that will be more likely to make it through the process.
12. I can help close the sale of property. Between the initial sales agreement and closing (or settlement), questions may arise. For example, unexpected repairs are required to obtain financing or a cloud in the title is discovered. The required paperwork alone is overwhelming for most sellers. I will objectively help you resolve these issues and move the transaction to closing (or settlement).
So now the shameless plug.........next time you're considering a Real Estate transacion give me a call.
Adam Harward
Harward & Associates Real Estate
there is no doubt you are the best there is!!! I love you.
great post adam... you should be having to turn people away with how great you are...
Amen to that!
Also...glad to see you've turned on word verification!
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